Information to the students

Date of event: 8-10 February 2018
Seat: John Cabot University
Address: Via della Lungara, 233 – Guarini Campus
To whom it is addressed: Students from triennio with a good knowledge of English, not involved in other Model United Nations projects
Deadline for registration 8th November 2017
How to register By subscribing a form directly on JCU website (contact Mrs. Pompeo)
Fee 70 euros (for group delegates)
Deadline for payment (To be effected ONLINE) 10th November 2017
(committees available)
1) Nuclear Proliferation in the Korean Peninsula in the Security Council; 2) the Humanitarian crisis in failed states in the Human Rights Committee; and the 3) Income Gap Between Developed and Developing countries in the ECOFIN committee.
CHOOSE THE COMMITTEE AND COUNTRY OF YOUR INTEREST At the time of your registration on the registration form available on JCU website (contact Mrs.  Pompeo):
 La referente del Progetto Prof.ssa Daniela Pompeo - Email: Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.