Si è conclusa  il giorno 31 maggio con la cerimonia di premiazione l'attività di PCTO  “Italy Writes “, concorso di scrittura creativa in Iingua inglese, in collaborazione con l'università Americana John Cabot.  Hanno partecipato al progetto 12 alunni del liceo Blaise Pascal. 

L’alunna Thi Thuc Matilde Rosci,  della classe 5H, si è distinta  fra tutti con il suo testo “The Girl From The Yellow House”, vincendo il primo premio per la sezione “Fiction”.

Link al testo "The Girl From the Yellow House"

Congratulations Thi Thuc!!! 

Referente PCTO, prof.ssa Giorgia Proietti

IMG 20230601 WA0031

"I'm truly honored to receive this prize. It's been a pleasure joining this competition. 
I would like to thank the judges for recognizing my work. 
I would also like to extend my gratitude to my school that gave me the opportunity to take on a challenge, to my teachers for their unwavering support.
What I learned from Italy Writes is to let my words flow. I think that the world needs more poetry and literature. A poem comes from the heart and stills the mind. Literature teaches us to step back in time and learn about Life from those who walked before us.
Finally I strongly believe that writing preserves those thoughts that may be forgotten. 
Thank you JCU for holding this contest.
This recognition solidifies my beliefs and inspires me to work even harder."
Thank you 
Thi Thuc Matilde Rosci, 5H